Monday, September 23, 2013

に! Second post! (This time using ひらがな.)


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reflections on Entering JPN 101 A Few Days Late

I've always wanted to study Japanese.  So when I realized this would probably be the only chance for me to learn Japanese, even though I would have already missed a week of class, I decided to enroll.

But why did I always wanted to study this language?  There are many reasons: I appreciate the culture; I would want to be able to travel to Japan and communicate without the need for a translator or finding an English speaker; I practice Kendo; I watch anime and read manga; Japan is a very influential nation; and more.

Japanese is not my first foreign language.  I am currently studying Russian, and have knowledge of Latin from high school.  However, it will be very different from the languages I have studied in the past.  Will it be a challenge?  Sure.  But if it wouldn't be a challenge--if it would be too easy--it wouldn't be as rewarding, and I probably wouldn't take the language.  Nothing valuable comes without hard work, after all.